Our purpose is to promote women's golf and fellowship. We offer a weekly event on Saturday mornings at 8:00 AM. Our events are open to female golfs of any age and any level of development. Come join us* and meet new golfing friends.
The NWGA season starts on the first Saturday in May. On that day we start the morning with our Spring Meeting followed by an 18-hole scramble. The NWGA co-tournament directors then put together a full summer of fun tournaments. Our final event of the season is held on the last Saturday of September. On that day we start the morning with our Annual Meeting followed by an 18-hole Bramble.
Our co-tournament directors also offer some other fun extras, such as a Birdie/Chip-in contest, Ringers, and Goals. How they work: B & C Contest Ringers Goals
We at NWGA hope that you will come and join the fun which is the NWGA…
*Natanis Membership is not required.
A small sample of NWGA members