2-player teams. The league will start on the second Monday in May. We will play 10 events with the last one scheduled for the second Monday of August. The format will vary between 2BBB, Scramble, and Alternate Shot. The final event will be a Ryder Cup (3/3/3) format.
Teams can be made of man/woman, or woman/woman. Partners can change week to week to assist you with the time commitment. Invitations will be sent out on the Wednesday before the event. Signup closes at 5 pm on Saturday.
Tee times will be emailed on Sunday, they also will be available on the bulletin boards at Natanis, and posted on the league’s website page, which is accessible by visiting www.chacole.net.
Tee time will begin at 4:00 PM. During signup the team can request early, middle, or late tee time. The fee to play each week is $10.00 per team.